Dreaming Into the Void
Endless Sky Productions is a vision. In the midst of following the muse, I am a Producer / Writer / Director named Scott McLain. I develop stories for film/tv that enlighten and entertain. I also do photography, art direction and have been a startup founder. I’ve written 400 songs. (no, really.)
I’m a nut for design, antiques and furniture. I drive long distances to clear my mind. I love business, I love tearing apart ideas and putting them back together.
At one time, I was making a decision – should I do music or focus on film? I chose film. (I’ll admit, sometimes I wish I’d made the other decision. )
As far as business goes, my focus is on relationships first then business because it’s hard to have one without the other.
For some reason, true stories seem to find me but I also develop fiction as well.
I once helped sell a record label. I’ve pitched to a bunch of well known people. I lived in LA for several years but now live in my home state of Minnesota.
I have a truly crazy rolodex.
Tired of having to write sentences that use the word “I” in them.
Completed Projects
Gizmos is a place where hot rod dreams come true. Greg Friedrich (Freed-rick) – a multiple Wally award winning racer is the owner of Gizmos, a custom fabrication shop that specializes in high end hot rods and real-deal race cars. (He also owned the legendary Porter Muffler brand at one time.) Greg had a dream to build a street legal land speed car that could be driven to the Bonneville Salt Flats and do a legit 200MPH+ run that would get him into the 200MPH Club. He decided on using a mid 60’s Plymouth Wagon to build that car. (let that sink in). Over 2 years of consistent filming, we accumulated hundreds of hours of footage and boiled it down to a season of home-made reality show. One of the concepts is that there wouldn’t be any manufactured drama – just work. In the mold of some of the other hot rod shows on Youtube like Hand Built Cars, our focus is on craftsmanship and not showmanship. We still like to have a little fun with it though. Episode 4 is a good representative of the show, in general, and I provide a link to it here. Hang in there until the bitter end for a fun extra clip.
Thomas Grey’s Rainy Day
(NSFW for language)
This is a short film I was hired to Produce for Reel Kid Productions. I was living in LA at the time and these guys were trying to do the impossible – shoot on film (both 35MM and 16MM), high speed camera, green screen FX, multiple locations, grip truck rentals, a cast and crew of thirty-five, dry lake bed (El Mirage) location and… we had to do it on roughly $20K. I figured out it was about a $50K budget ‘in reality’ but we made it work. After doing this, the thought occurred to me: “ok, I can do this“.
Have to warn you – this video has a bunch of “F Bombs” in it – it is very NSFW in that regard. Also, the ultimate transfer did not turn out well and all of the material was unfortunately lost. If it is ever recovered, I intend to re-do this film with the available footage. It’ll be the “Producer’s Cut”. Despite the caveats, it’s a pretty good film / concept. All in all, it was a fantastic experience and was well done. Fun Fact: It premiered at Cinequest and we subsequently got ripped off thematically by every commercial and music video director for the next two years. So in that sense, it was briefly influential.
Video Portfolio
This is a portfolio of various video projects I’ve either Produced, Directed, Edited or all three.
Art Direction / Web Vision
These are projects that are related to my own website over the years. I want to give a shout out to Nathan Carnes , April Johnston, and Daniel Knowles who did the work on these sites. I Art Directed these sites and steered the ideas, generally, but also allowed these amazing designers to do their best work. The results were always better than expected.

I also do photography more or less as a hobby. Broadly, my interest is People and Places. I am focusing on locations and Music related work at this time and am in a portfolio building context. Feel free to reach out if you need pictures taken!